A Little Note From Us
How well do you think you could describe a bible character just based on events and moments in their life? Or how easily do you think you could guess a bible character based on just a few hints or phrases?
This printable game, “Bible Guess Who” was a fun family worship project we decided to try. It works very much like the original guess who game (if you’ve ever played it) but with a few differences!
If you’ve never played Guess Who, here’s how the original games works:
- Two players are each given a board with various characters on it.
- Each player pulls a card from a deck which indicates which character is theirs.
- Each player will put down the character that is theirs on their board (because only 1 player gets to be a single character so you automatically know your opponent doesn’t have your character)
- Then the object is to guess which character your opponent has picked from the cards before they guess yours
This game is similar except for a few differences. Instead of guessing based solely on physical attributes, the object of the game is to ask questions about different events in the lives of the bible characters on both boards. Oh, also each board has the same characters in different arrangements to make it easier for both players to guess a character.
So for example, both boards have the character Moses on them. Player 1 suspects that player 2’s character is Moses, so they might ask “did this character live in Egypt?” to which player 2 could say no or yes. Player 2 thinks that player 1’s character is Ruth so they could ask “did this character sacrifice something for another person?”
Depending on the response of the other player, you can push down characters that you think aren’t the one your opponent has until you come down to 1 single popped up character. You can guess at the end when there’s one char left or decide to guess in the middle of game play if you really think you know who it is. Just know that if you guess incorrectly the other player automatically wins. Also know that if the other player guesses correctly before you do, they win!
I hope that makes sense! You can also ask questions like “Is this person male or female?” and “was this person old or young?” if you like. When we play we try to focus on life events and special things highlighted in the Bible about the character.
The game is very fun and can even be played by multiple people if you print out more than 2 boards. Now on to the assembly portion:
How To Assemble
This is a little more time consuming to put together than most of our projects, but very simple and easy. We’ve taken careful time to make sure assembling this isn’t too hard. It took us about 2 weeks to get everything perfected but the final result is SO much more simple than our first draft ideas on how to pull this off.
To start, you’ll need:
- 5 sheets of cardstock paper
- fine tipped glue
- an x-acto knife
- a printer
- a ruler and
- something to score paper with
This project features double sided printing. I’ve separated this download into 4 different files so that it’s easier and less confusing for you to print the right combinations on both sides of a sheet of paper.
You’ll end up double printing 3 sheets of paper and having 2 sheets that are printed on one side. I specify which pages should be double printed when you download at the bottom of this post. I also printed the 3 double sided pages to the edge of the page instead of normal printing. For more detail on how to do full page printing refer to this post.
Of the 3 printed pages, one page will have characters with this decorative edge on them. These are what will become the character cards that each player can pull from to determine which character they will be. These will need to be cut along the edges into rectangles to make the cards.
As this above photo shows, the cards will be double sided if you properly printed on both sides as indicated above and specified near the download links below. You can put these neatly into a pile and set aside -this part is done.
Next you’ll want to move on to the the two double sided game boards. As you can see in the photo above these have no decorative border (this is how you can tell the difference.) Also each board has a different arrangement of characters.
The board characters will each need to be cut along ONLY 3 outer edges with an x-acto knife. The bottom edge (where the characters names are) should not be cut. Those will need to be scored so that they bend easily. This will allow us to turn each character into a flap that can be pushed up or down. This is pictured below.
You’ll want to fold so that the characters pop up as pictured.
Next, we’ll need to glue the only two not double-sided pages onto the bottom of each game board as shown in the photo above. This will give the game some stability since there’s so many cuts in it. When you’re done gluing the little spaces it should look something like below.
Do this for both game boards and you’re all done! Now you can play Bible Character Guess Who to your hearts content.