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When was the last time you invited a brother or sister from the congregation to your family worship evening?
For as long as I can remember, we’ve always been encouraged to invite friends from the congregation to our family’s family worship evenings.
Its a wonderful way to get to know the members of your congregation intimately (one-on-one) but it’s also a wonderful interchange of encouragement for everyone present.
There are so many people we can invite! Single ones, Gray-headed ones, Single Parent families and even other families!
Since we’re always encouraged to make a it a goal to invite friends over for spiritual refreshment, we’ve created this beautiful printable card that you can use to invite a friend or family to your home for family worship!
The invite comes in 2 colors: red/pink and blue/green. It includes spaces for every possible detail you might need to share with someone you’re inviting like: What topic you’ll be covering and what they should bring with them.
To print this card properly you’ll need a printer that allows you to print to the edge of the page so that the card will measure proportionately on all sides after you fold it. If you don’t print to the edge, or don’t have a printer that allows this your card will be a little disproportionate when you print it out and fold it.
To assemble: Print the page on plain copy paper using the “border-less printing option” and then simply fold the paper in half and then half again. Done! Fill with your details, stick inside of a standard envelope and you’re good to go.
These printables are free for personal, at home use only. Please keep our JW Printables branded logo intact on the printable when you use it & please refer people to this page and do not directly link to the download link. Thanks!
We invite friends over from time to time and we enjoy it very much. This is just perfect! Thanks so much!
My pages are getting cut off on the bottom..I have an Imac. I tried different page settings but they all do it, any suggestions?
Hi Jeanna,
We’re not sure. We use windows computers with adobe acrobat to print & read the files. Maybe that information will help you out. 🙂
I just love the invitations for family worship! It is such a wonderful idea to invite a special elderly sister or brother to sit in on your family worship or a long time pioneer, missionary… The list goes on. Thank you so much friends!
Good Morning Spiritual Family! My Name is Michelle G. from Illinois. Thank you so much for the blessing of this website. I’ve thought for months of gifts to give at our International Convention and many were just too expensive. Thank you for your self sacrificing love and kindness through the many free gifts on this site! Reminds me of Jehovah’s word “received free…give free”. Is there a way to donate? About 400 friends including Delegates from 12 countries will have your Family Worship Invites along with a typed list of Family Worship Ideas at our International Convention here in St. Louis! I hope to meet you one day…if not on this side, the other side at some point before eternity! ???? Agape Forever!!
Thank you for creating this. I was wondering if you could make one for inviting ones over zoom for family worship?