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Some of my fondest memories from childhood took place inside the walls of our kingdom hall.
Every week the sisters in our congregation would get together with my mom to do letter writing and telephone witnessing while my siblings and I watched, listened and learned.
And on occasion we’d share our own good news through the telephone wire with shaky hands and tiny voices full of excitement and wonder.
We kept our homemade lunches in the fridge in the kitchen, pulled the chairs from the seating rows into a circle around a fold-able table (because the phone cord would only reach so far!) and we’d get down to the business of sharing good news with those who might need it.
The sisters were like aunts to me, always ready to pull us into warm loving hugs and spoil us with cakes and candies.
The kingdom hall became like a second home to us, and I remember feeling so special that I knew the ins and outs of it because of how much time we spent there.
We don’t have many photos from our time spent together doing letter writing and telephone witnessing within those walls, but the memories are what I will always hold close to my heart.
They set the foundation for me to later go on to Pioneer with my sister together, to reach 100 hour service months in support of the special pioneer in our congregation at the time and to experience the joy of the ministry in it fullest sense.
Today’s printable was created for those parents who have the tiniest of preachers as their companions in the ministry. It is a full set of toys that allow your little one to write their own pretend letters and experience their own form of ministry even if they’re too little to really write yet.
They say that playing is learning and children play and pretend to be what they would like to do when they are older. That’s why there are tons play-sets for pretending to be doctors, chefs and other professions.
What better career could there be to pick but preaching & teaching others about our wonderful God, Jehovah? So now there’s a toy set for that! And you can download it for free to assemble for your little one below.
What’s inside
4 Theocratic books/publications, 2 disposable “kingdom coffee” cups, a coffee mug, a “kingdom coffee” coffee shop bag, double sided donuts/bagels, A Mail box, A Postal Box, 3 post cards, A tablet with the “” website pulled up, 3 letter writing envelopes (write on the inside and fold them closed.)
How To assemble
Assembly is easy, but there are a lot of pieces so take your time. Each piece is coded with a letter of the alphabet to make assembling it easier. You glue the “A” piece to the “B” piece, or the “C” piece to the “D” piece and so on. There are no photos for assembling this, but we had our printable testers try this out and they were more than able to assemble it based on this method.
JUST LOVE IT!!! This is a wonderful idea for all families. It sure is a way to encourage pioneering when they get older. I do hope many families take advantage of this wonderful gift.
Thank you for sharing with us your joyfull memories. That joy, is contagious!!! I’m sure my little girls will love this playset, and it will draw them close to our loving Father. Thank you for all you share. May Jah keep blessing you. @>-;–
Love love it so much. My girls were so excited. My older one said mom this is best gifts ever. We don’t need toys these are best. I always gets its all jw printable our thanks to you and our father jehovah. I really appreciate you efforts especially for kids and all ages. It’s such a awesome great ideas. Thanks all our brotherhood putting efforts. Love this so much. Will send you pictures too..may jehovah bless you more blessings.
Writing play set they playing like they preaching and stop jw coffee shop. They doing preaching and crart witnessing. So much word’s to say you all doing such great job making easy to us teach our kids, stay close to our father jehoavh. I can see my girls even family worship day always curious about new projects
These make our study more exciting. Love ????????????????????????????????????????????????????from us
that is amazing!