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Our My Meeting Notes worksheets are a sheet we created that helps kids pay attention at the meetings!
Learning to pay attention to material is important for spiritual growth and taking notes helps everyone to pay attention -not just kids!
After over 6,500 downloads of the sheets, and several messages from the friends requesting this… we are happy to have available for download an entire workbook’s worth of My Meeting Notes Pages. They are revamped and colorful!
Included in this set are:
• 20 pages of My meeting notes, with different words that they can listen out for in the meetings!
• Traceable word section for those parents that would like to include a little handwriting practice along with their child’s note-taking.
• Prompts for widening out & getting to know others in the congregation and encouragement to try to comment at every meeting!
Merci beaucoup pour toutes ces bonnes idées!! C’est très bien pensé et très utile!
Tu es le bienvenue! Merci pour la visite!
I Love your print outs. Keeps my child quite long enough. May I only request something more masculine. I feel that most print outs are geared towards girls and not so much to the boys. Thank you. Much love.
Hi Julie!
The my meeting notes workbook for kids is designed to be unisex and we don’t currently have plans to make additional versions of this. You can find a black and white version of the my meeting notes sheets here:
I agree…LOVE everything…but my eight year old boy is not too thrilled about the butterfly’s, hearts and flowers 😉
Ive just cut the top header off in the past…. 🙂
That works! 🙂
Tiene las hojas en español? Son perfectos para los niños.
¡Hola! Aún no. Estamos traduciendo printables en el orden en que aparecieron y es un proceso muy lento y laborioso para nosotros y los voluntarios. Llegaremos al final! Pero es muy lento debido a todo el trabajo involucrado. Gracias por ser paciente.
im only new to your site and want to say thank you, have now printed out meeting activity notes and thank you cards.
Im also looking for activity books that i could use for a 6 and 8 yr olds to use in school, any sugestions? would really apreciate it.
thank you again and may jehovah bless your fine work at making the lives of christian families easier x
Hi Priscilla!
We’re happy to hear that you’re able to use our printables! We don’t have any suggestions for an activity book, but we’ll keep it in mind for the future. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Adorable, thank you so much ????
Thank you very much, this has helped me a lot! My daughter doesn’t speaks english, so it was difficult for her stay attentive to the meeting, but with this se has been listening so she doesn’t miss any word! Great job brothers and sisters, thank you!!! I really aprecciate your ideas!
Thank you for all the wonderful work you do. Do you have the meeting notes workbook for kids in Italian? We are going to the Special Convention in Milan and would love to give this to the kids with some colored pencils.
Hi Joseline,
Yes. You can find all Italian printables here:
These all look lovely! are any Spanish versions available yet ??
Hi Vasti,
not yet. 🙂 But keep checking back! Also visit for all spanish printables.
Hello, do you have anything geared for children who use ASL
Hello! We do! Search “Sign Language” or “ASL” in our website’s search bar and they will come up. 🙂
I appreciate your efforts to create and share your printables with us. May Jehovah bless you!
Thank you so much for your kindness!!
I love your ideas. My husband and I don’t have any little ones of our own however I am nanny to several little ones from several congregations and these are perfect for study time!!!! Thank you.
Thank you so much for everything you do. My daughter loves the printable for the assembly and meeting.